“For people living with diabetes, anything is possible."
About the Foundation
The main programs that the Foundation currently fund are the Diabetes Training Camp Week-Long and three-day Boot Camp sessions. The Foundation also provides scholarships to camp through generous individual and corporate donations.
DTC Foundation is committed to helping more people living with diabetes to learn how to use exercise and an active lifestyle to help manage their disease. DTC Foundation is committed to continuing to CHANGE LIVES. Dollars raised will go to furthering the mission of the Foundation – to inspire, motivate and educate by delivering unique and customized programs and coaching that empower the community of people with diabetes to thrive – and to offering scholarships and additional programming, ultimately to help more people living with diabetes to not only survive, but to THRIVE.
Diabetes Training Camp Foundation (EIN: 47-2857170) is an Illinois not for profit corporation. Your contribution is tax deductible to the extent provided by the law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous donation.