Diabetes Training Camp

DTC Medical Team

Aimee Hastings, RN

Aimee is a former DTC Ambassador & TBC alumni, along with her son T.J. She is a registered nurse and has been a school nurse since 2005.

Aimee learned about DTC after her son, T.J., was diagnosed in May 2020 with T1D. The two of them attended the teen boot camp in 2021 and found it life changing. They returned in 2022 as parent and teen ambassadors.

Aimee owes DTC for T.J.’s accomplishments including Gatorade’s 2022-2023 Del Boys Soccer Player of the Year and committing to play D1 soccer at University of Delaware. They decided to give back to DTC by implementing creative fundraisers in their community including “Beads for Diabetes”, which has raised almost $25,000 for the DTC Foundation.