Multisport Coach
Mike was diagnosed with T1D in 2010 at the age of 43. To say this came as a surprise to him was quite an understatement. However, to finally understand why his body was reacting the way it was, was a relief. Mike has raced bikes, be it road, mountain, cyclocross or triathlon for over 30 […]
Multisport Coach
Paul was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at age 19 after his freshman year at college. He went 7 (!) years having met only one other person living with T1D before attending Diabetes Training Camp in 2013. After attending a few camps, he learned the tools to manage T1D. It took years of tweaking and […]
Bike Support
Bob was diagnosed with T1D in October of 1992 while on a business trip in Lansing, Michigan. He had been a runner since the age of 10 and was still training hard when the usual symptoms appeared. After a few days in the hospital, he flew home and the very first thing he did was […]
Multisport Coach
Gillian Forsyth was diagnosed with diabetes at age 30. The diagnosis was a shock to her as well as her family who had no previous history with the disease. Gillian was born in Glasgow, Scotland, grew up in Toronto, Canada, and now resides in Chicago, Illinois, where she owns and operates BFF BIKES, a small […]